Sunday, August 28, 2011

Nice Sisters at the Yard Sale

Saturday 11:15ish am, I decided to take one mile stroll to this yard sale that was supposed to end in a few minutes noon. The hurricane was coming, but I didn't want to miss out if there was good deal especially towards of the yard sale, so hurricane or not , I was going. Actually, the sale had ended a little early because of the approaching storm. I had walked a mile to get here with rain drizzling, so I was very disappointed. I decided to knock on the door to see if they were still interested in selling anything. I was greeted by a very nice couple of sisters. One was moving , and the other was helping her sister sell what she could. They were happy to let me in to see what they had. I was excited to find a complete set of Mikasa dish setting for 4.
The dishes were like new and very nice and you wouldn't believe how much the asking price was.. $5 which I would had to pay easily $40 or $60 if I got them from the store. I also picked up a very old cute step stool.. just what I needed, petite that I am I can used that practically anywhere in the house or use that as a plant stand. But the trick then was how was I supposed to carry the dish set and step stool with umbrella walking one mile home???. and it was time to go. Right then the sky opened  and the rain started coming down hard . It was too hard  for me to walk in. I had my boyfriend's phone, so I was ready to call him to pick me up and give me a ride home. But instead the nice sisters offered me a ride themselves. I really enjoyed this yard sale (and most of my yard sale hunting) , especially when I get to  meet such nice people and get such good deals. Sat's yard sale was a big Sizzle for me!!!

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